There may not have been raindrops on roses, mainly due to a shortage of both raindrops and roses. There were definitely whiskers on kittens, though not every cat was completely whole, having to fend for itself. And warm woolen mittens were donned out of necessity only. But, we have many more favorite things to share, mostly in pictures. Along the way we’ve included a couple links to further stories and descriptions of different aspects of our trek (because this blogger was being way too verbose for a single post), diving into, I’m sure, your most burning questions such as, “How much curry did they actually eat?” and “Who is this Deepak character, anyway?” Where there isn’t a link, there’s probably still a story; it’ll just have to be told over coffee… or a cocktail!
Left: Old college friends just taking a long walk together! This was taken just before Jenny left us to hike on alone, ensuring she could make the high pass and her flight back to the U.S. Right: Our guide and friend, Deepak, looking cool as ever. He looks way more gangsta than he is. To read more about how we found Deepak, click this link.
Pirate tattoos are an essential part of any major adventure.
Suspension bridges are awesome! Right to Left: Our first suspension bridge experience, one of or last bridges, and an old bridge we wisely did not cross
As you enter and leave towns, you often find rows of prayers wheels, designed so you run your hands along the wheels as you walk.
A few of our favorite animals. Clockwise from top left: Our first yak sighting, a yak the size of a small bus (this guy had 4 more bodyguards trailing behind, and we were not allowed any closer than seen), For Sale! Goats being herded through town (the woman pictured bought one of them)
Amazing views each and every day were the norm. For more about what our average day was like, click this link.
Our first visit to a Buddhist temple and we got to observe a service! (Permission to take pictures was given)
It’s a movie theater! We were led to this barren dark room buried in a maze of back alleys that would make anyone in their right mind nervous to stumble upon. But it was legit! And the movie came with tea and popcorn! And, if you’re already chuckling in your head about which movies might be playing, chuckle on. Seven Years in Tibet held dominant status at all theatres. Luckily we were able to see Everest instead. Nothing pumps you up to hit the high pass like a good Himalayan disaster story.
This lovely monk lives in the cliffside (at 13,000 ft) with a main outer wall for protection. Trekkers hike up to her home where they recieve a small necklace and are blessed for a safe passage through Thorung La (the high pass). We felt blessed to share tea and stories (translated by our guide) with her as well. Clockwise from left: view of the monk’s location taken from our guesthouse, final approach to her home (white wall on the right), monk inside her prayer room.
It’s all downhill from here! Almost.
Here we are, not getting altitude sickness. Yay!
Can you hear me now? Nepali cell service has got to be some of the best in the world. Don’t be fooled by the dirt road. We’re in the middle of nowhere, and this guy can still talk to his wife six times a day. An astoundingly reverent slow clap is well earned by this cell company.
Left: We couldn’t figure out which dish it was that we’d ordered that night. Then it hit us – apple pie with custard! Or, rather, minced apple filled pastry dipped in gelatinous goo (are gelatinous and goo redundant?). Not exactly a crowning moment for pie. Right: Halloween (note the cat ears) treat of delicious apple pie and homemade ice cream. We were much closer to Marpha, the apple center of the region. And, it showed in their pie-making abilities. For more on what we ate, click the link.
We rocked cat ears and tails for Halloween. Then we gave the costumes to children along the way. It was fun to watch them figure out what to do with the pieces.
If it’s not strapped to someone, it’s strapped to a donkey. Donkey trains are everywhere. Brian helps shift the donkey’s unbalanced load.
People carry everything on their backs here, from bundles of wood to cages of chickens. Our favorite were these two in bush camo. They reminded us of the SF bushman.
Marvelous pictures and descriptions! What an adventure, the scenery outstanding! I have to go back a second time to click on the extra links for more entertaining education!! Love you, Mom