Ok, I do believe winter has officially packed up and left. I opened the windows for only the second time this spring, and only the first time in the morning, and I realized that the Westlander Winter of Fun (WWF) has officially transitioned. Trees are blossoming. The daffodils are out in force, and the exploding sound of birds everywhere almost drowns out the traffic. Ok, that last one was definitely an exaggeration. But they are loud.
So I think it’s officially time for a brief re-cap of the WWF in all it’s glory.
First off, we spent numerous days making various flavors of ice cream using Jeni’s Splendid recipe book. We even did a trial of 4 batches of the same flavor (The Richest Chocolate Ice Cream in the World) and taste tested those against each other and Jeni’s own with friends. More on everything ice cream in another post.
You’ve already heard about our adventure in x-country skiing and snowshoeing, but two other winter sports also managed their way into our schedule making for great times – downhill skiing and ice skating. We have an ice skating rink a block from where we live! Next winter, lots more ice skating.
We took one particularly cold day and stayed in and made a fort in the living room. Yes, the kind with blankets and pillows held up by chairs and stacks of books and such. Yes, it was just as awesome now as it was in childhood. Yes, there were cookies and milk involved. Yes, we pretended the floor was lava and lept onto pillows and towels to get around. No, we don’t have kids.

Since we didn’t know too many people in the city we’ve pushed ourselves to get a bit more involved. This manifested itself in a couple of hikes with a Philly Hiking and Adventure Meetup Group, a night out with the New In Town Meetup Group, a few nights out with a knitting Meetup Group (that was just me though. Brian wasn’t quite as excited about that one), and several Sundays worth of platforms with the Ethical Humanist Society followed by brunch anywhere and everywhere downtown.
And speaking of brunch, there was, of course, a lot of food delirium to be had. And I’m not really talking about the food we made here at home, though that was also awesome and kept us eating relatively healthily through the winter. I’m talking about restaurant meals we’ve ooed and aahed over as we sampled the city’s treats: Amada (a special dinner for the birthday boy), Parc (a special brunch for the birthday girl, though this really falls under spring), Raw (delish sushi!), Pat’s and Geno’s (a full cheesesteak experience, but we like Jim’s more), Farmicia (the burger, oh that burger), and Dandelion (the fish and chips), to name a few. A special thanks goes to our wonderful family for the Christmas gift certificates that have allowed us to enjoy this deliciousness!

We’ve also tried (and for now at least failed) to build a bit of a yoga practice (body bending, stretching, and resistance is always an adventure for us). We’ve tried out meditation and have had a bit more success sticking with that-the Monday night classes that is. Practicing beyond that has still been a struggle. And as the colder weather has subsided a bit, we’ve gotten back into attempting to build up a running jogging practice. Fingers are crossed for an injury free experience! (This does mean far fewer TED videos, though.)
And finally, we spent some time with long-time friends both local and remote (and their babies born and unborn!). And that, of course, kicked a**.
Admittedly, the WWF was a blast. However, if all that sounds like a whirlwind-especially since it falls on top of two full time jobs and one long commute-you’re right. It was. While I realize it might sound like we’re tooting our own horn with the re-cap, we will humbly lay down that horn and admit that we are definitely exhausted by it all. And now, really, we sort of just want a nap. So we’ll be hibernating for the next few weeks while we take a bit of a break from the WWF. And maybe for the rest of spring and summer we’ll take a longer term approach to our adventures.